Order Our Newest Print Collection


I32 Pages of Grace

Homeschooling is a gentle teacher in that it qualifies us for the task as we go. We don’t have to know it all when we first begin. In fact, everything we think we know gets turned on its head. We learn and relearn lessons along the way, often not from our success but from our failures. This is when we experience the inexplicable grace of homeschooling.


Remember the Purpose

Time and again, we learn the real lesson that homeschooling has to offer each of us. We come to see that homeschooling is an organic process, an extension of parenting—a relationship above all else. Charlotte Mason once wrote that “the child breathes the atmosphere emanating from his parents.” May it be a grace-filled one.


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We're thrilled to announce our second book in a series of print collections: Growing in the Grace of Homeschooling. This 132-page, full-color book is a limited edition, so don't miss out. To learn more about this book, visit the product page.
